Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Goats: Part Two

Well, to our great surprise, my old, grumpy nanny goat had twins on Monday.  It's strange how the older an animal is, the less they show before they have their baby.  I mean that on younger cows or goats, you can study their bag.  As the time for them to calve/kid comes their bag fills with milk and really gets big.  Also, you can tell by other parts of their bodies.  But, Miss Carmoll, my goat, didn't show any signs of kidding so soon! 
I guess she knew what she was doing, though, and she had both boys out of the wind and in the shining sun.  *Good girl.*  Her bag isn't the best and so we have to help the boys nurse, but it won't be long and then they'll be big enough and strong enough to feed themselves.
But, yet again, this goat has proven to be a great mother, unlike the way she acts when we milk her.  People who know that I own her always ask why I still have her.  True, she is a pain most of the time--she kicks and head butts and anything else to hurt a person, but yes, I still have her.  She's one of my favorites, in fact. 
Anyway, here are some pictures of the newest kids and I had to add this last picture of the other three.  Kids are so cute, don't you agree?  : )
Billy 1 (until we get a better name)
Billy 2 (until we get a better name)
Carmoll and her babies

Rapunzel, Prince (we decided that fit the boy), and Oval 

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