Thursday, February 12, 2015

Looking Back

Two doves resting on the old swing set.
I didn't know what picture to post this week.  I guess you saw that I posted a goat post yesterday and that took most all of my ideas for today's post.  However, I looked through some old pictures and realized that on February 12, 2013, I took pictures, thus, here are two for you to look at.

This February has been warm, sunny, cold, windy, and cloudy, though not on the same day, of course.  Apparently, Feb. of 2013 was snowy, so it's quite different this year. 

Maybe we'll get some snow this month before it ends; we need the moisture.  The river is still dry and usually by this time of year, it's full.  We can't pasture some spots because the river is the only water source.  So, we're trying to use what grass we have and hope and pray for a better year.  : )
Looking north to the pasture right by our house.

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