Thursday, April 16, 2015


The pale yellow grass waves in the breeze.  The western sun casts long shadows as the fat, fluffy clouds scurry across the sky.  This is a place to call home.  Where man can see from horizon to horizon.  Where only the wind is heard and the rustling of grass.  Nothing is in his way.  Nothing to hinder his view.  It's pure--pure country landscape.

I wrote this on the tenth.  I'm not sure why I wrote it, but sometimes a writer just has to stop everything they're doing and write something down.  This was one of those things.  Today while I was looking for pictures for this post, I accidently clicked on my documents instead of pictures.  My eyes fell on the document entitled, SSBS (short stories by Savannah), so I opened it and read a tiny bit.  I felt I should use this paragraph above for this post. 

For weeks I've wanted to let you read a sample of my writing but have never known what to use, partly for fear that someone might use it.  But I suppose I have to face fears. 

Now--if I could only find a picture that even half way fits this post, I'd be set and ready to let the world read this. 

Good news!  We got rain! 

Have you ever been in years of drought and the rain seems to only fall east of you?  Ugh!  This drought has made ranching a little big bit of a tough task.  But finally, last night we got 40/100th of rain.  The thunder--oh the thunder!  It's been a long time since we've heard thunder that actually rumbles and clashes.  Some was quiet and off in the distance, some was right here and loud.  One sounded like it had little screams in it.  We also got a lot of lightning.  Needless to say, I was awake for part of the night, listening, and watching my room light up.
Thank You, God!

I hope you can tell that I'm in a good mood, 'cause I am.  It's just wonderful and fresh here on the ranch.  Have a wonderful day and rest of the week!

Proverbs 16:20
He that handleth a matter wisely shall find good: and whoso trusteth in the LORD, happy is he.

~~Savannah from the ranch  : )

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