Thursday, April 23, 2015

April 23rd

There's never a time when you have nothing to write about, however, there are tons of chances to think you don't have anything to write.  And now is that time.  Lately on the ranch, we've been doing stuff, but not much that's grand enough to blog about. 

I've been editing a book I wrote a couple years ago and am realizing that I didn't do much research...okay...none.  It's a messed up story.  The amount of stolen money has changed three times, some characters haven't done enough law-breaking for what I'm sentencing them to, and part of it seems that two books are being jammed together.  Ugh!  So, that's what I've been up to this week. 

We started our garden, put chicken wire around our little fruit trees to keep the deer away, and have been TRYING to plant some flowers to pretty up the yard.  Chickens and Big J.'s dog make that pretty tough.

Dad killed a rattle snake yesterday and I got the pleasure of skinning it.  We tacked the skin on a piece of barn wood and are very impressed with how it looks.  This was one of the best colored snakes we've gotten.

Alright then.  I guess this is all that I'll post for now.  Thanks for reading!  : )

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