Yes, so it's been almost two weeks since our branding, and yes, I am VERY behind in my blog! I am sorry, you will just have to live with it.
We did have a great branding* on Labor Day and at dinner we had 27 people of all ages eat with us. The branding is like a holiday at our house (at least in my mind it is) and because of the toss I took on 28th of August, I wasn't up to flanking (pulling the calf over on its side and sitting on it). (Read about it in my blog post called Make That Odd...) It was saddening because ever since I was big enough, that was the best part of branding. Instead, I ear notched** almost every calf, and did in fact get my exercise, for the helpers decided to move to the pen next to the one I was in.
A lot of younger cowboys got to rope, flank, and give shots; one of those ropers was Big J. He did really well and double hocked*** a lot of calves. I am his sister, but I was impressed with his roping! I even said, "He is doing really well, even if he is my brother."
The day was nice and we were done branding by 10 am., we had started at 7:30. We then ran a few yearling mama cows through the chute and year branded them. We finished that at 12 o'clock and headed to the house for a great, mostly-home-made dinner that Mom was in charge of. It was a great day!
* A branding is when a lot of cowboys and cowgirls get together to help their friend mark his cattle so that if they get out, people will know who they belong to. The brand is what the ownership mark is called. Our brand is IE laying down. The E is on top of the I. Every rancher has a different brand to mark his ownership. How do you brand the calf? The brand is made out of an iron rod and the part with the brand is put in a fire to cause the iron to become very hot. The brander then puts the iron on the calf and the hot brand burns the hair and skin, thus leaving the brand on the calf for the rest of its life.
We also give shots for the reason you get shots, and cut them. Or in other words, make the bulls, who make more calves, into steers, one who can not reproduce. The proper way of saying it would be castrating.
** Ear notch is another way of showing ownership. We cut out a part of the ear (the tip and on top of the right ear, and on the left, just the tip). Just another way to see who owns the calf if the hair has grown over the brand.
*** Double Hocking is when a roper ropes a calf by both hind legs. It is best if that is done rather than only one leg or the neck; it's easier to flank the calf.
I went through 800 some pictures and picked these for you to see.
I was also in the Beaver County Rodeo queen contest this year. I had to sell tickets (which I got first place for selling the most), model, give a speech, be interviewed, and ride a horse in a reining pattern. I didn't like everything that I had to do and it was a stretch for me, it was my first time. I didn't win, but it didn't matter if I won, lost, or drew. I finished and that's what mattered. My parents were proud of me. And I don't have to do it next year! I am really happy about that.
The county fair was going on at the same time, and we entered things in it. It was one busy week!
So, there are a few big things that have caused me to get behind in my blogging business. We did start school and it's going smoothly. And I am happy to say that my hip is much better. I can flank again; we had some sick calves and got to flank today! Our ranch life is still busy, but not as much.
We have gotten a little rain this week and got to say good bye to the hot weather! It is so lovely to walk outside and get chilled because it's 60 to 70 degrees. I hope it stays this way. You know, fall is just around the corner! It's amazing that it's already that time again. Well, it is time for Christmas...yes, I decorated a little for it already. Why not?!
On the sadder side: I had to let my turtle, Tortoise, go. Because they hibernate, we couldn't keep him through the winter. I will miss that little guy.
Have a great day, all you readers! : )