Thursday, August 8, 2013

Rain Helps Everything...Except Dirt Roads

As the title states rain is a helpful thing for plants and rivers, but when it comes as hard as it has the last few nights on the ranch, it can ruin a dirt road and fences.
Here is another spot of washed road.

Here is the washed away road.  Dad informed us today that a four wheeler might be able to cross. 

The culverts didn't quite do their job...

You can see that this dirt road was really washed away by the hard rain.  But it made cool pictures!  All of this rain has also messed up some fences, so you know what will be worked on soon.

We went swimming in our river because of the rain we had gotten on July 31st had risen the water.  The water was really cold, but just as fun.  I had taken my camera and snapped a few pictures of the river and dirt road.

At the house, we got 2 inches of rain, but it came hard.  On the 6th we got 3 inches and again last night we got 2.75, and to beat all of that, our branding pens got 4.40!  Thank You, God!

All of it came hard, thus washing our roads, lining our fences with trash, and making huge puddles in the pastures, but at least we are receiving some.

So, now we are at the point of having too much grass and not enough cows, but we would much rather have it that way than too many cows.  : )

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