Friday, August 30, 2013

The Garden

It's been a long while since I have said anything about the garden.  It is coming along quite well.

We have gotten to pick a lot of squash and zucchini.  We are also getting some cucumbers and peppers, including banana peppers, hot peppers, and bell peppers.  All of them have tasted good.  We have picked three okras, two tomatoes, two radishes, and one green onion.

I planted two watermelon seeds from a store bought watermelon and they both grew, but the big one died the day after we transplanted to the outside world.

It has been a lot of fun getting to hang out with Dad as he waters it and to search for little surprises.  

Some of these pictures are old, but it shows you how our garden was set up this year.  Enjoy!  : )


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