Thursday, August 29, 2013

Make That Odd...

The title doesn't make much sense unless you know how many times I have come off my horse.  But here is the story about the fifth time I got ejected from my dear horse, Paradise.

It was a nice evening, last night, and we needed to move some pairs to a set of pens in order to haul them closer to where we are going to brand.  Well, we were starting later than planned so it was close to dark.  We were hurrying to get to the cows; Paradise had already stepped in an unseen hole and touched the ground with her nose.  Thankfully we were walking.  But that was nothing to falling off.

We went to the gate on the hill and went through it fine.  Dad and Big J. were riding faster ahead and I simply wanted to catch up to them, so I kicked Paradise.  Well, she got spooked at that and did go faster, but I wasn't ready for that speed, that sudden.  I lost my right stirrup, I grabbed my saddle, for I had no saddle horn to grab, and did my best to slow my running horse's pace.  I could see a yucca plant nearing, and that's when Paradise turned to the left, I lost everything and fell, skidding, sliding and going head over feet on the ground once I hit.  It wouldn't have been so painful, but let's remember that I came of a loping horse.

I rolled over and sat up fast as possible and tried breathing.  For a long time, or at least it felt like a long time, I couldn't breathe and to make things worse, Big J.'s dog ran into my face and started roughly licking me.  I couldn't breathe and for sure couldn't talk, but the dog wasn't helping, so I hit her and pushed her away.  Dad and Big J. were by me by then and my dog gently came over and just stood by me until I could breathe and mumble a little.

After sitting on the ground for a while, I stood up, but had to have help.  My left arm was scraped up and my hip felt awful!  My shirt wasn't torn but had indented dirt and stains; it was red like blood so Dad looked for any gashes and to make sure no ribs were broke.  They weren't and there was no blood.  We were very thankful that I hadn't fallen on/in the yucca plant and that there weren't any rocks, but I rolled over some tumbleweeds and sagebrush.

We almost went on to move the cattle, but because I was in pain and it was even closer to dark, we turned to go home.  The ride home was okay, and I never got blurry or sick, until we got off at the house.  I walked a few feet and that's when my ears started closing and my sight went to black spots.  Dad came up and helped me sit down.  I could not hear the locust at all, a little scary... Dad fanned me with his hat and cooled me off.  Then we walked arm in arm to the house. 

Inside, Mom quit her phone call and I sat down in a chair when Dad took off my boots and socks.  They got a wet cloth for my face and I sat in front of the fan.  Today I got up and I can walk, slowly with a limp, and I even got on Dad's horse for a while.  Riding her was not at all painful, but getting on and off was hard.  I really hope I heal quickly for our branding is just around the corner.  I am really glad we have a God that looks out for us!  So, as for the title, I will explain.  I told Paradise when I came off the fourth time that we should stay on an even number and not buck me off again.  But... let's make that odd... And stay odd!  : )   


  1. Hey, Savannah, I'm soo thankful this wasn't any worse! Proud of you for getting back on. Proud of you! :) Muffer

  2. OH PLEASE!! No more coming off that horse unless you're READY!! Makes me hurt to read about it.. Nan
