Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Work is fun...

This is  the first post on my blog.  Today we as a family (Dad, Mom, me-Savannah, Big J., and Little J.) went to doctor some sick calves.  That was an exciting and very fun memory making thing to do!  Big J. roped along with Dad, Mom carried the shots and medication, Little J. played run-around-horseback, while I flanked any calf that was roped.  Some were roped on the ground and some were roped on horseback, either way we got them roped, flanked, shot, and then they returned to the herd.  Big J. had quite a few calves run though his loop and get away- living on a ranch and growing up going to a branding, you would know that missing a calf while roping makes a young boy mad... and it made Big J. a little upset.  Only one calf was hurt and we have no clue why.  Oh, and right after unloading the horses and tightening the cinches, I got on my 2 year old filly.  She was fine-- and all of the sudden, well, I was on the ground... yes sadly she bucked.  She bucked maybe twice before I was on the ground.  She then ran off bucking all the way.  She finally stopped.  But let's back up, my horse, Paradise, is a nice tempered horse.  I am training her so that she won't buck.  It was odd that she bucked today.  She was fine and even held still while I got on- for a change.  So I thought nothing of her bucking.  When she started, I slid back out of my saddle, which is an English/hunting saddle with no horn or much of a seat either and slick.  I came off on what I think would be the second buck.  I fell on her left side close to her front legs.  Thankfully she didn't step on me or kick at me.  I am quick to jump up from the ground after being bucked off and yes I jumped up, then held my head where I landed.  Anyway, I got back on and Dad lead me around the rest of the time.  We all had fun and I can't think of anything- that you would call "work"- funner than tackling calves with the family!  We ended the day by eating Panhandle Pizza for supper.  Great way to end the day! 

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