Friday, October 12, 2012

Riding in no Rain

Today Dad, Big J., Little J., and I -Savannah- went to help a neighbor move cattle.  I was very proud of my 2 year old filly, Paradise.  She is learning new things every time I ride her and is doing great!  Since we got up, it has been cloudy and we have a chance of rain, which we need badly.  We rode 5 miles or so not counting zig-zagging back and forth to keep the cattle out of crops.  We had to cross a road in which all the cattle but one crossed.  Dad had to chase her for quite a while before she finally crossed over.  Before too long, we had them moved from one pasture to the other, and from there, Dad went back to get the pickup.  The 3 of us kids continued to take the cattle to the neighbor's house, just up a ways.  When we were through the gate, we met 8 or so other cattle.  None of us knew if they should get mixed with the ones that we brought.  But by the time we were going to cut the 8 off and go to the house, they were already mixed together.  So slowly we took them to the house.  I was feeling bad, thinking that maybe we weren't suppose to let them mix together.  Once we got to the next gate, our neighbor and Dad were there.  We pushed the cattle through and Dad told us that we did great.  The 8 cattle were suppose to come with us.  I was glad about that!  By then we had been hearing thunder and Dad and our neighbor had even seen lightning.  So we quickly put the halters on the horses and loaded, then left.  We stopped to get gas then headed home to Mom and some good tasting chili and cornbread!  But we haven't got any rain yet.  However- it was a good day.  : )    

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