Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Lil' Update

Well, I am here and ready to put up a new post.
The Youth Deer Hunting season was here and is now gone.  We 3 kids went out with Dad to hunt for a buck or a doe deer.  One day, we went out  and sat on a hill.  We got to watch some cranes fly over, and boy they were close, shooting range if it were that time.  It was fun to see.  There have been a lot of them come over our house lately and I enjoy listening to them.  They make my favorite sound.  While hunting, we saw a lot of coyotes and hopefully us 3 kids will some day get to shoot some.  We had a great time hunting with our daddy!  But, we didn't shoot anything.  So it goes.  There will be another deer hunt around Thanksgiving in which we will all be doing.

Our bottle calves are doing good.  Mine, Thomson and Comson, are fun to have.  Big J.'s are Rabbadash and Prince and Little J.'s is Dos, so we did come up with some cool names.  They are eating grain and hay really well compared to Rawhide and Lucille Ball, our other two weaned bottle calves.  So we have quite the posse of calves.  I lost one of my 3 chicks that my hen hatched earlier this year.  Kind of disappointing.  My little Red Bud tree has lost all of its leaves and the other trees are starting also.  It is that time.  I am really ready for Thanksgiving, to be with all of my family and have LOTS to eat. ( Not that I need that. )  Today, we got the horses up to water them and I brushed Paradise.  I also cut my finger with her hair.  It hurt.  Big J. and Little J. are out riding now.  Well, it's been a good day.  Till next post...  : )

1 comment:

  1. Hi Savannah! Your mom just told me about your blog (and your novel . . . I can't wait to read it!).
    I love what you are writing. I am really hoping we can make it out there for a visit in the not too far, future . . .

    tomorrow, I'll help your mom figure out how to post a comment.

    <3 <3 <3
    (I hope those symbols turn into hearts. if they don't, they're supposed to!)
