Monday, October 29, 2012

Repost of : )

To those who saw a post that is not showing anymore--I took it off because it wasn't appearing how I wanted.  So, yes, there was a post that is gone now.  Here is a post kind of close to the one I took off.

Dad took us out to move some panels, Saturday.  When we were on our way home, Dad driving and us 3 kids in the back, Dad stopped to look at a snake.  Yes, it is odd to see one in the fall.  That morning we even had a freeze.  The snake was a grass snake and harmless, so Dad picked it up.  He let Big J. and me hold it!  Oh, I wanted it bad, but I couldn't keep it.  It was very interesting to let it slide through your hands.  (Not to some people, I understand.)  It was real shiny and had a green under side.  We had a good day with Dad.   

Here are our bottle calves!

#1 is Dos, #2 is Thomson.

#3 is Comson.

#4 is Prince

And #5 is Rabbadash.

Today, 10-29-12, I almost stepped on a snake.  It was just a racer snake.  Out of the 4 snakes I have seen this year, I have almost stepped on 3!  Yeah, it's not a good habit, I know.  Thankfully only one was a rattlesnake...  : ) 

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