Thursday, March 26, 2015

Blossoms, Buds and Birds

Almond blossom
How wonderful it is to see green grass!  And tree blossoms.  And hear the cranes flying north.  It's a great feeling to see and feel spring arriving. 
This month we have gotten .70 of nice, soaking rain and pretty days.  

The fruit trees this year are starting out nicely.  Some peach trees have a lot of blossoms, as do the almond and nectarine trees.  I can't begin to say how wonderful it would be to actually get fruit from these trees.  Dad has worked hard for years to get trees planted and growing fruit; however, it's never paid off and we have yet to get a single piece of fruit.  
Green grass
Redbud tree
 The cranes have been busy for sure.  It seems this year holds millions of migrating cranes, and we're not even outside to see every bunch that flies over.  When we're out riding the horses, their calling fills the air and they're impossible to count.  Day and night you can hear them.  It's relaxing.

Elm tree
From the ranch, Savannah.  : )

Peach blossom, I think. 

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