Thursday, November 20, 2014

Chore Time

Today you--the reader--are going to join me in doing some of the chores!  How fun, right? 

Yes.  At least the chores you'll help me with are fun.

Chores have their pros and cons for sure, but I like to think of them being a good thing.  You could look at chores as a bad thing because you are stuck at home doing...what else but chores.  You can't leave for a vacation in a snap of a finger because your cat or dog or both can't live that long without new food and water. 
But chores teach real responsibility.  It's simple: don't feed and water the dog, it'll die.  In that case, chores can teach people to not be lazy.

No chores and a house will get dirty, cluttered, and anything but homey.  But I also agree, they aren't the most exciting and fun things in life.

I've always had animals and for years, Mom has made us kids do house chores so I do it or not.

And now let's begin.

These three containers of food--apples, cake not literally human cake, and grain--go to the hungry girls, Minnie and Pearl.

Great.  Now the pigs have been fed and you can see them eating in the picture below.

Next, I get a coffee can of milo and scatter it out for the chickens.
The pictures here are after I fed them.

This feeder is for the twelve pigeons we have.  It's a mixture of milo and scratching grain.

Now the pigeons are fed.  There are twelve in this picture.  Can you find them all?

It's Big J.'s job to water everything outside and Little J. feeds the cats and dogs.  That about sums up our outside-animal chores.

Inside, I have four doves I have to feed and water, a parakeet, and fish which we feed at night.  Plus the house cats and spiders.  (Yes, I really do have pet spiders.)  Thanks for peeking in!  : ) 

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