Thursday, March 12, 2015


Well... I forgot until just a while ago that today is Thursday--blog day!  Wow, I've never forgotten that before.
Thankfully, I do have something to post about.


Enjoying some food.
Clam is my mouse.  Its name has nothing to do with it, honestly, but when Little J. jokingly said to use that name, I did.  
Burning off some "fat." 
Dad now says that either he needs to be quiet about critters he sees or learn to say "no" because he was the one who first saw Clam.  (Neither Dad nor Mom really want a mouse.)  As we pulled to a stop at the end of our dirt road, little Clam ran across in front of us.  I asked if I could catch it and Dad allowed me to.  I hopped out, picked it up by the tail and we went on our way after putting it in a jug.

At home, I had an empty fish aquarium which had been transformed into a hamster (mouse, in this case) cage.  I stuck Clam in there, and since then it's been enjoying bird seeds, cheese, and the hamster wheel.  By the very first night, it had learned how to use that wheel, and I mean it was going!  Now Clam gets its speed up and then stops just to ride the wheel as the momentum takes it in a complete circle.  One time, it went three times without stopping. 
( I've never uploaded a video, so I just hope this works. )

Our poor house cats don't know what to do with themselves as Clam runs about protected by the glass walls.  In the mornings when we let the cats in, they all gather around the cage or on the nearby chair and watch, as people do when staring at a TV.  I'm sure they're confused about the fact that they aren't allowed to eat this mouse, yet they're encouraged to eat others.  Oh well.  So is the life on this ranch.  Our cats can't eat my pigeons or chickens, but they can eat wild birds and so on.  In truth, I don't think half of our animals really know what they are or what they're suppose to do.   : )

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