Thursday, February 5, 2015

Feb. 5th

Hello, hello! 

This week's picture is of one of my latest taxidermy projects.  As seen, it's an old deer skull (one we found dead) and a rattle snake on top, sneaking into the eye socket.  I skinned the headless snake, waited a few days, and then sewed it together while stuffing it with a piece of wire and cotton.  I jokingly said that it was my "cotton mouth" snake.
Dad helped form it in the right position and now it sits on our end table in the living room.

Lately on the ranch we've been keeping busy with homeschool, a little sickness (yuck), checking cattle, doing chores, and in our pastime we read, play card/board games, watch a movie or two, look at Pinterest/Facebook, or finish up whatever projects we're working on. 

Speaking of Pinterest and Facebook, at the end of each post, there are buttons you can click to share my blog.  So, if you are enjoying this blog, why not let your friends enjoy it, too?  I'd greatly appreciate it.

All of the chickens, cats, dogs, pigs, doves, cattle, goats, and horses are doing well.  AND... Dad called a bit ago, saying that one of my goats had her kids!  Yay!  I'm sure there'll be a post about that soon. 

So, keep checking back here.  I'll try to post every Thursday, unless something comes up.  ~Savannah  : ) 

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