Hello! It's a chilly, drippy day in Kansas.
Hope you enjoy and have a wonderful, blessed Thanksgiving!
Monday, Nov. 23rd 11:46 am
year you'd find that our Thanksgiving is a little different from our
traditional holiday, at least at the moment. As I write this, I'm
actually in a car, headed to Somerset, Kentucky. There will be a funeral tomorrow (Tuesday, 24th) for my great aunt. So,
now it's a road trip with my grandma, aunt, and cousin. We are
having a good time.
now, as we cross into Indiana, there is a brown field to the right
of us, the road and lots of trees on the left. Most of the trees
have lost their leaves already, but some are still hanging on. We've
passed a lot of firework warehouses and many, many antique places.
(OH! How I wish we had time to go antiquing!)
So far,
it's a beautiful November morning.
Wednesday, Nov. 25th 11:56 am
We're on the road again. For my birthday, I was able to go to a couple of antique shops! (Yay!) I bought a little photograph and a dress for Ambrosia. (Lucky girl. Ambrosia almost always gets a new outfit when I travel.) But it was a pure pleasure to get to shop a while. Next stop is Kansas City for a “birthday” meal.
4:18 pm
Cheddar's is where we ate my birthday meal, and it was so good! But that was a couple of hours ago. Now we're driving west, headed to Dodge City. My cousin and I are in the back seat, laptops are open, as we work on our projects; editing photos and typing blog posts. Such fun, right?
Here are some things I thought were neat about the trip.
We got to see the Kansas City Royals stadium! I was instantly back in the mood for some baseball.
Also, we saw an Amish
Buffet and I thought that was pretty neat.
And there
were so many beautiful barns back east. Oh, the photos a person could capture!
Though the reason for going back east was a sad one, the little time we got to spend with family was so much fun and good for us. I got to see a lot of people I hadn't seen since I was eight or nine, so that was great.
Thursday Morning
Now we're in Dodge, and I'm in my cousin's home office typing this post. The rest of the fam. is in the kitchen talking and cooking the Thanksgiving meal. We'll be having the turkey and stuffing/dressing, potatoes, salad, ham, and pies. How tasty will that be!
3:06 pm
We are stuffed! The meal was great. And it sleeted outside as we finished up eating. Now for the afternoon we'll visit, listen to Christmas music, and eventually head back to the ranch.
Happy Thanksgiving! : )