Monday, September 22, 2014

Branding Post

Okay, here it is.  The Branding Post.

After saddling the horses and waiting for everyone to arrive on the 13th, we rode out to gather the calves.  It was a perfect day to brand (the best ever, I think).  It was cool enough that morning, everyone was wearing a heavy jacket or coat and gloves.  I'm so thankful it wasn't windy, though.  We would have felt like freezing if that was the case. 

The gather was short, but a lot of fun.  

The branding started after sorting, and my horse and I got to help with the sorting.  It was still cool, but people began shedding their layers as they began working.

There were so many helpers that we opened an additional pen and began branding two bunches of calves, making us finish quite soon.

When the last calf was finished, everyone had a calf sack war, then mounted their horses and pushed the cattle back to the pasture.  We headed to the house once we got a group picture and had a delicious dinner.  Lasagna, potato salad, lettuce salad, bread, vegetables, pies, ice cream!  It was yummy.   

There's really not that much to talk about since I've already explained the branding experience in previous posts, so I'll let you enjoy some pictures of the day. 

**All pictures were taken by Callie Sain.  She does such a great job!  So glad she came down and took pictures for us...and let me use them on the blog. 
If you want to see more of her pictures:
A big thank you sent to her.**


Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Well, after someone messaged me about wanting to buy one of my billy goats, I looked to see what they were selling.  It turned out they were selling two piglets and the idea popped into my mind. 

Why not trade my goat for those two pigs!

The pig price was just fifty odd dollars from the goat price, so after talking it over with the buyers, I got the pigs and a little cash, while the goat buyers got a really nice goat and a smaller gas bill for their drive to our place. Minnie and Pearl!  My two darling piglets.  They're just too cute!
Pearl is behind Minnie.
 And, this is kind of random, I know, but see that Almond Joy candy wrapper below?  If you look closely, I found a really cool name on it.  If you don't get it:  Peter, Paul and Mary is the answer.  I just simply wrote & Mary on it, under Peter Paul.  I thought it was quite tricky and bright on my side.
Okay.  Moving on...
It's beginning to feel a lot like...fall.  It's lovely and so refreshing.
This week we are branding our calves.  We're looking forward to a house full of cowboys and cowgirls when we're finished working the cattle and come in for dinner.  Be watching for a post about that.  I'm sure there will be at least one thing to write about. 
Thanks for reading.  : )