Okay, here it is. The Branding Post.
The gather was short, but a lot of fun.
The branding started after sorting, and my horse and I got to help with the sorting. It was still cool, but people began shedding their layers as they began working.
There were so many helpers that we opened an additional pen and began branding two bunches of calves, making us finish quite soon.
When the last calf was finished, everyone had a calf sack war, then mounted their horses and pushed the cattle back to the pasture. We headed to the house once we got a group picture and had a delicious dinner. Lasagna, potato salad, lettuce salad, bread, vegetables, pies, ice cream! It was yummy.
There's really not that much to talk about since I've already explained the branding experience in previous posts, so I'll let you enjoy some pictures of the day.
**All pictures were taken by Callie Sain. She does such a great job! So glad she came down and took pictures for us...and let me use them on the blog.
If you want to see more of her pictures:
A big thank you sent to her.**